2 July 2024 (Week 10 Term 2 2024)

Dear St Joseph’s Community
As we wrap up another successful term, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our students, their parents and our staff for your dedication and hard work.
I would also like to express my gratitude for the wonderful Athletics Carnival on Friday. A special thank you goes to Miss MacDonald, our Sports Coordinator, for her exceptional work in organising this event. It was wonderful to join our community and the St Joseph’s Coraki community again. Thank you to our many parents who were able to help or who joined to watch your children engage in the day. We were truly blessed by exceptional weather.
On Monday, we were excited to engage in our end-of-term community celebration afternoon. Students participated in a range of fun activities, celebrating their hard work and achievements this term. It was a joyful occasion that highlighted the strong sense of community at St Joseph’s. Thanks to Mrs Jones, Mrs Miller and our Year 6 leaders for organising this afternoon.
Additionally, I would like to acknowledge the upcoming school parent-teacher interviews, which will be conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday. These follow the release of the semester one academic reports last Friday. The structure of the reports is designed by the Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Office based on the relevant research and the structure of the revised NSW curriculum. I want to recognise the hard work of our teachers in assessing and providing feedback to students on their learning and in preparing these reports. We look forward to the opportunity to discuss your child's learning progress.
We will conclude this term with an assembly this Friday. Our choir will be singing, and we will be presenting the money raised from the Vinnies Winter Appeal to Mrs Anne Kenny, from our local Vinnies chapter.
Thank you once again for your continued support. We wish everyone a safe and restful holiday break. It’s a well-deserved time for relaxation and family bonding.
Mrs Moloney will be taking some well-earned leave next term to travel with her family around Australia. We know you will have a lovely and relaxing time. With Mrs Moloney on leave, Mrs Dana Crosby will be taking on the role of Leader of Inclusion for weeks 1-8 of Term 3. Parents currently liaising with Mrs Moloney around their child’s learning needs can reach out to Mrs Crosby. Mrs Emma Keough will pick up the two days of STEM in Anna’s absence, looking after STEM in Kindergarten (with Mrs Crosby), Year 1, Year 4 and Year 6 STEM classes.

Mrs Moloney will be on leave.

Mrs Crosby Leader of Inclusion

Mrs Keough STEM
It is hard to believe Mrs Lindsay Emery has been with us in the Administration Team for a whole year while Mrs Steele has taken leave to travel and spend time with her family. Mrs Emery’s administrative role will end at the end of this term. We thank Mrs Emery for all her amazing work; it has been wonderful to have you as a part of our community. Mrs Emery will still be working with us casually, which is fantastic for us!
As mentioned above, Mrs Steele has been on leave for a year to travel and to spend time with her family and her new grandchildren. We look forward to welcoming Mrs Steele back to school next term in her administration role. We look forward to hearing about her adventures!
Mrs Lewis has been on leave for a year following the birth of Cillian last year. She rejoins us for Semester 2 for two days a week. She will be in Kindergarten all day on Mondays and Tuesdays to support the learning and will provide some release for staff for planning and instructional coaching. We look forward to having you back with us for the rest of the year Mrs Lewis.

Farewell Mrs Emery

Welcome back Mrs Steele

Welcome back Mrs Lewis
In this week's Gospel reading, Mark 5:21-43, we witness Jesus perform two remarkable miracles: healing a woman suffering from chronic bleeding and raising Jairus' daughter from the dead. Both miracles profoundly highlight the power of faith. The woman believed that merely touching the tassels of Jesus' cloak would heal her, and her faith was rewarded. Similarly, Jairus trusted Jesus even after hearing the devastating news of his daughter's death. Jesus' words to Jairus' daughter, "Talitha koum" ("Little girl, I say to you, get up!"), remind us of His incredible power to bring new life.
As Catholic educators and parents, these stories inspire us to trust in God's plan, nurture faith in our children, and show empathy and care in our daily interactions. Jesus' compassion teaches us to be present and attentive to the needs of others. By embodying these values, we create a school community that reflects Christ’s healing presence. Together, let us encourage our children to live out their faith boldly, trusting in God's unwavering love and support.
You are invited to listen to Bishop Greg’s Homily from Sunday’s Mass.
As we approach the holidays and parents might be seeking new school shoes and haircuts. A reminder of the uniform expectations is provided below.
School shoes should be black soft polishable leather – not suede, canvas or skate shoes. Shoelaces will be done up correctly at all times. Jewellery is not allowed, however, students who have pierced ears may wear sleepers or studs. Students with multiple ear piercings must have clear studs worn in these holes. Children will be asked to remove all ‘excess’ jewellery and place this in their School bag. Please also note that ribbons, scrunchies, etc worn in the girls' hair should be in School colours: white, light blue, and navy blue. Students are asked not to wear coloured nail polish. Dyed hair is not permitted and shoulder-length hair should be tied back for health reasons. Hair that is shoulder length must be tied up. No hair should cover the eyes. We do not tolerate “trendy” hairstyles such as fades, undercuts, lines, mullets etc.

We are very excited to have our first Year 4 school sleepover this year! This is a beautiful opportunity for Year 4 to grow in friendship, learning how they can be a good friend to each other, inspired by the teachings of Jesus. It is also a helpful stepping stone in preparing for Stage 3 camp next year. Thank you to Mrs McCall for her thoughtfulness in organising this fun overnight retreat experience for her class.
What a wonderful afternoon spent having fun with our school family in K-6 house groups. Thank you to our Year 6 leaders for all their organisation and leadership of the day.

Thank you to all our parents and students who attended the First Eucharist (also commonly called First Communion) Information Evening. Please contact Tanya or Denise in the Parish office if any parents missed this information session but are still interested in their child making this sacrament.

This past Friday, our school held its highly anticipated Athletics Carnival, and we couldn't have asked for better weather. The sun shone brightly, creating the perfect backdrop for a day filled with excitement and friendly competition.
Our students displayed outstanding sportsmanship and camaraderie throughout the event. It was wonderful to be joined by our friends from St Joseph's Coraki, adding to the festive and inclusive atmosphere.
A special thank you goes out to the Woodlawn students and our family members who volunteered in numerous roles. Your dedication and support were invaluable in ensuring that the day ran smoothly. Without your efforts, events like these wouldn't be possible.
We will celebrate our Age Champions and Champion House at this Friday’s assembly. The list of our successful Zone children can be seen below. The Compass Event will (hopefully) be published for families by the end of the week.
Please note that while we celebrate achievement for each age level at school, only a set number of students can attend for each event, often in the categories 8-10 yrs (JNR), 11 yrs and 12/13 yrs (SNR).

Attention parents of students in Year Five and Six. The showcase will be held on Thursday 4 July from 1:45 - 2:30, in the STEM room and stage 3 classrooms. Please find the information about our board game showcase below.

With the end of the term upon us all library books are now due back. Students who are wanting to borrow for the holidays can do so before school, at lunch or recess each day.
Take Home Readers are not issued over the holidays. These will resume in week 1.
Overdue notices are automatically sent from our library management system as an email to parents. Please help your students locate their library books and return them as soon as possible.