Daily Procedures

Operating Hours
School Hours & Supervision
- 8:30 am Supervision begins
- 8:57 am Bell to move to lines
- 9:00 am Morning organisation and fruit break
- 9:05 am Morning block - English
- 10:55 am Lunch - play time
- 11:15 am Lunch - mealtime
- 11:28 am Middle block - Maths and Religion
- 1:20 pm Recess - meal time
- 1:25 pm Recess - play time
- 1:48 pm Afternoon block
- 3:13 pm Pack up and prepare to move
- 3:17 pm Final bell and dismissal
Office Hours
The office hours are 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Phone messages may be left outside these hours.
Student Attendance
Late Arrivals
Students arriving after school begins, need to enter via the office. They will be given a late note and checked in on the Compass Attendance program. This will give teachers a record of what time students arrive. Please do not just drop children at a gate if they are late; parents are asked to walk their students into the administration building.
Early Departure
If a child is to be collected during school hours, please notify the office prior to collecting the child. You will need to collect your children from the office and sign them out and back in (if applicable) on their return. A note to the class teacher prior to the time of collection would allow the child to be in the office waiting for collection. On a normal busy day, it is often difficult to locate students in a hurry. If you wish to collect your child after a School Assembly, please remember to complete a 'How I am Getting Home' slip at the Office as you sign in. Leave this slip with the office staff, who will pass it on to your child’s teacher.
Absence from School
If a student is absent from school, the parent can ring the school to inform us, OR they can use the Attendance feature in Compass OR email. A note is only necessary upon their return to school if you have not already advised the school of the reason for their absence. A medical certificate is required if your child is absent for three or more consecutive days due to illness.
Student Items
Bringing valuable items to School
Children are discouraged from bringing valuable personal items to school. Should this occur, the item is to be left at the office or in the custody of the class teacher. In the past, valuable items have been brought to school and have been lost or stolen. The school cannot take responsibility for students who bring such items to school. Mobile phones, iPads and other electrical equipment need to be left at the school office. The school accepts no responsibility for items left in bags. Please, do not allow children to bring devices to school unless there is a specific need.
Lost Property
The Lost Property basket is located in the school office. Please clearly label all items that are brought or worn to school.
School Visitors
All visitors to our school premises must sign in at the front office. Please collect a name label as you enter. When leaving, please sign out through the office and notify the administration staff you are leaving.