Pastoral Care/Student Wellbeing

Pastoral Care refers to all actions within our school to promote and enhance physical, social, emotional, psychological, intellectual and spiritual wellness. Schools are uniquely placed to foster student attributes that will enable them to achieve their full potential, and we understand the importance of working closely and collaboratively with families to promote positive student wellbeing.
At St Joseph’s, the dignity and well-being of each student are at the centre of our school policies, decisions, curriculum, structures, and practices that place emphasis on students feeling cared for, valued and respected.
We recognise the importance of the reciprocal and interconnected relationship between well-being and learning. ‘Wellbeing positively influences student learning outcomes, and success in learning enhances student wellbeing’ (Australian Student Wellbeing Framework).
Students who feel safe, connected and secure and have loving and trusting relationships are more likely to be active participants in their learning and to achieve better physical, emotional, social and educational outcomes. Some of the ways we aim to promote positive well-being in our students are:
- modelling strong, healthy and trusting relationships
- teaching social and emotional skills to build resilience and wellbeing
- teaching and modelling values and behaviours based on respect for themselves and others
- providing opportunities for students to participate actively in their learning
- providing a level of care that will meet the unique needs of each student
- embedding inclusive teaching practices to build a connected and safe school culture.
Wellbeing at St Joseph’s Alstonville is a support mechanism for all students. The staff work closely together to ensure all students are supported, but acknowledge there are times where extra support may be essential.
In times of grief and loss we offer the Seasons program. For students struggling with the social setting we provide guidance. For students who may require specific skills or encouragement we offer the Learning Assistance Program (LAP). Students are also assisted on the playground to understand how games work. The team who work to support our students are also happy to assist families where required.
We are very happy to work with a variety of support team members including Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Sand Play Therapists and other supports for your child’s wellbeing.
All students are accompanied in their journey to freely choose the ‘fullness of life’ (John 10:10).