
GIRLS will wear EITHER:
- Navy school skort and school polo shirt, OR
- Navy school shorts and school polo shirt, WITH
- Short navy school socks, black leather shoes and a school hat.
BOYS will wear:
- The school polo shirt and school navy shorts WITH
- Short navy school socks, black leather shoes and a school hat.
GIRLS will wear:
- The navy school skort and school polo shirt, with navy blue school jumper, OR
- Navy school shorts and a school polo shirt with a navy blue school jumper; with
- Short navy school socks OR navy tights (please note: not both socks and tights at one time); OR
- Navy school track pants and jacket or school jumper, with a school polo shirt, short navy school socks, black leather shoes and school hat.
BOYS will wear:
- The school polo shirt and navy school shorts, with a navy blue school jumper OR
- Navy school track pants and jacket or school jumper with school polo shirt; WITH
- Short navy school socks, black leather shoes, school hat. No specific date is set for the introduction/wearing of the ‘Winter Uniform.’ Please note: the school shoes should be soft black leather – not suede or skate shoes. Shoelaces will be done up correctly at all times.
As appropriate for the weather, the everyday uniform is worn, with black shoes. The same shoes can be worn every day if they are soft, black, and leather with soft soles.
Please note: the school shoes should be soft black leather – not suede or skate shoes. Shoelaces will be done up correctly at all times.
The school hat is part of the uniform. In the interests of Skin Cancer Education and in accordance with the wishes of the P.S.F., the school adopts a ‘NO HAT NO PLAY ON THE PLAYGROUND’ policy.
- The neatness and personal appearance of each pupil, the correctness of uniforms, and other similar items, are sensitively and constantly promoted by each teacher.
- A school backpack is available through the uniform shop. This backpack has been approved by chiropractors, and while not compulsory, we recommend its purchase and use.
- Jewellery is not allowed. However, students who have pierced ears may wear sleepers or studs. Children will be asked to remove all ‘excess’ jewellery and place this in their school bag.
- Ribbons, scrunchies and other similar items should be worn in the hair in school colours: white, light blue, and navy blue.
- Students are asked not to wear coloured nail polish.
- Dyed hair is not permitted, and shoulder-length hair should be tied back for health reasons. Hair that is shoulder length must be tied up. No hair should cover the eyes. We do not tolerate ‘trendy’ hairstyles.
A school bag is available through our Uniform shop. As most children have similar school bags, the problem of trying to identify their own, among many others, can cause considerable distress to small children who cannot read their own names. Therefore, in addition to the child’s name and address inside the bag, perhaps you could place a transfer or sticker on the outside to aid in identification by the child.
Most uniform items are available at the Uniform Shop. Our Uniform Shop Convenor, John Fivaz operates it – times may vary, so please check with the school office. There are usually a number of good, second-hand items of clothing available at the Uniform shop. Contributions in the way of used uniforms are always appreciated.
Uniform Shop Hours: Friday 8:30 am to 9:30 am and 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm.
Uniform Shop Contact: John Fivaz 6628 6816 or 0409 526 345